May 18, 2022

All Eyes On You – Here are the Best 5 Reasons to have an Unplugged Wedding Ceremony



You are organizing your iconic day, and there is one thought that just stuck, and you cannot seem to shake it off – an unplugged wedding ceremony! Couples nowadays are in love with the idea of this amazing trend, and I can understand why – it has an intimate, special, and warming feel, and during it, you also feel cozy. It almost seems like the happy couple opens up a hidden piece of their souls to their guests during the beautiful act.

This is why today I have decided to delve a bit deeper into the subject of organizing an unplugged ceremony! It is a lovely way for your guests to be fully present at the moment, savor your devotion, and support your union without any cell phones or cameras whatsoever. It is a very intimate moment that you, and they, will cherish forever.

Now let’s take a look at the reasons why you should curate such an event:




1. Phones can be a Distraction

From a wedding photography point of view, phones are an incredibly large distraction – they can get in the way while you are being professionally photographed and trying to preserve the special moment. They can be noisy, large, get in your lens and just pose as an overall distraction. I can imagine no bride or groom wants that on their wedding day! And even though cell phones are considered a necessity in today’s society, your guests can survive their absence for a limited (and short) period. An unplugged ceremony would allow attention and focus to infuse their senses, without the distraction of snapping several photos and missing most of the words.





2. Live the Moment

Organizing an unplugged wedding ceremony means focusing on a lot of details to get the feeling of calmness. One of the best wedding tips is this one – give a moment to yourself when you are in the middle of the ceremony and take in the entire calmness of the atmosphere you have managed to create. Going device-free, at least while the ceremony lasts, will put everyone’s attention on you, where it should be. It is truly a magical moment to be in that room, fully present, and witnessing the flow of love that goes around the room! Relish it.


3. You have a Professional Photographer

One of the most important aspects of wedding photography is to capture the moment and make the images seem as if they would come to life when you are looking at them. Hiring a professional is always the right thing to do. Plenty of people are persuaded into thinking a wedding photographer is not necessary, but in a moment like this, one is essential. There is a reason why wedding photography is so popular and widespread – it is the essence of the picture, the loving gaze into your partner’s eyes, the gentle smiles, and the overwhelming emotions – that can only be captured by a professional in the field. In addition, photographers are highly trained to be unobtrusive. That means that your memories will be beautifully documented without disturbing the unplugged atmosphere. Inform your guests that you hired a professional photographer and that all the important moments will be captured!






4. Avoid Background Noises

I can’t even begin to describe how noisy sometimes phones can be. If you are thinking about one of those wedding tips and suggestions from the couple where they ask their guests to keep their phones on silent, that rarely works. Whether it is a camera snap or a text, or maybe even a phone call coming to a person that does not know how to shut their phone off – can be quite a distraction. No happy couple would want to experience that on their special day. So, going unplugged is what couples are leaning towards in these particular situations.


5. Your Photographer won’t have to Compete

Every wedding comes with a silent wedding photography challenge – who will take the best picture during the entire celebration? People nowadays love taking pictures with their phones. Sometimes that needs to be cut down to a minimum – and this is one of those cases. The task that your photographer has while the unplugged ceremony lasts is to capture and seal the best moments of it. They are going to focus on your happiness, the tears of joy that come from your guests, and the overall serenity of the ceremonial act. Going unplugged will allow your photographer to create marvels behind their lenses without ever having to compete with any of the guests.







Going device-free and having an unplugged ceremony is such an incredible and memorable experience! These were some of the reasons why couples are opting for that. One of the best wedding tips, in this case, is to inform your guests of this rule by adding the info on your invitations. If you still feel like you need to double-check this, your guests can RSVP and answer that they have understood that the wedding will be without any cell phones.

Also, for those insatiable individuals that take pride in creating incredible pictures with their phones, mention that the device-free rule will only last for the ceremony part of the wedding. You are bound to hear one or two sighs of relief then!

It is okay for guests to want to take pictures on your wedding day, but sometimes you may feel overwhelmed by all the photography that is happening around you. Having an unplugged ceremony provides a secluded and safe feel while preserving the love and the feelings that will be released as you say your vows, and captured by the guests with happiness. It is a perfect way to begin your celebration of becoming a married couple, and there is no better way to do that!

The bottom line is that having an unplugged ceremony is a choice. Either way, your special day will be extraordinary. Feel free to take a look at some of the work I have done and find inspiration through my portrayal. Also, don’t hesitate to contact me if you need a Seattle wedding photographer for your special day!






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